Royster & Kirsch Feminist Interdisciplinarity

This week we’re examining  Jacqueline Jones Royster and Gesa E. Kirsch’s chapter “Feminist Rhetorical Studies as a Robust Interdisciplinary Framework” from Feminist Rhetorical Practices. As you formulate your response, you might one of the following discussion questions helpful: What does it mean to be interdisciplinary? How is this essential to feminist rhetorical methodology?  Royster and… Read More Royster & Kirsch Feminist Interdisciplinarity

Rawson Queering Feminist Canonization

This week we’re reading K. J. Rawson’s “Queering Feminist Rhetorical Canonization” from Rhetorica in Motion. You may find the following discussion questions helpful in shaping your response:  Rawson asks how we might define a “woman.” Why is this question essential to his argument? How is this question particularly relevant in today’s political climate? What is… Read More Rawson Queering Feminist Canonization

Hartsock and Feminist Standpoint

This week, we’re reading Nancy Hartsock’s essential reading, “The Feminist Standpoint Developing the Ground for a Specifically Feminist Historical Materialism” from Feminism and Methodology. One of the following discussion questions may help you formulate your response: Hartsocks’s reliance on Marxist theory may be off-putting for some of you. How and why does Hartsock justify Marxist… Read More Hartsock and Feminist Standpoint

Marzano-Lesnevich | Define My Gender?

Today we’re reading Alex Marzano-Lesnevich’s New York Times opinion piece, “How Do I Define My Gender if No One Is Watching Me?” As you read their article, consider the following questions: How does Marzano-Lesnevich’s pandemic experience free them from gender binaries?  What is your response to Mx. Slarii’s argument: “I don’t think cis people understand… Read More Marzano-Lesnevich | Define My Gender?

Coburn ProChoice Janes

Today we’re reading “Chicago’s Forgotten Pro-Choice Warriors” by Marcia Froelke Coburn in Chicago Magazine. As you read the article, please keep the following discussion questions in mind: What facts from this story surprised you?  What do you think about the network that formed to provide women with access to abortions?  What can we learn from… Read More Coburn ProChoice Janes